Why we recommend this plan:

  • You prefer to pay low monthly premiums, but your history of frequent doctor visits and expensive health costs suggests that a plan with higher premiums and more comprehensive coverage—like Plan F—will better fit your needs.
  • Plan F covers your Part B deductible and copayments, which means you won’t pay each time you see your doctor. This could save you money in the long run.

Even if you don’t currently take medication, you should consider buying a Part D Prescription Drug Plan (PDP). You may need it in the future.

Things to know about Plan F

  • Plan F covers more benefits than any other Medigap plan.
  • Plan F pays 100% of the Part A and Part B deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.a
  • Like with any Medigap plan, you can see any doctor or specialist who agrees to accept Medicare’s payment for services.