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Eligibility Team
In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, everyone needs to  have medical insurance. Medicaid is...
Funded by both the federal and state government, the health  insurance program known as Medicaid...
To date, the US government Medicaid program provides free or affordable healthcare coverage to more...
Arizona’s Medicaid program came together after the federal  government partnered with the state to help...
Medicaid is a nationwide program that  provides free and/or affordable health care coverage for millions...
Having medical insurance is something that every family, as  well as every individual person, needs...
In  New York, Medicaid is a healthcare option that is government sponsored  and covers the...
The federal government funds many Medicaid programs, but only  those residents who qualify in each...
Having medical insurance is a top priority for anyone.  Medicaid can help families and individuals...
For most people, getting the flu means having to deal with flu symptoms that could...
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